Women's fellowship Nigeria

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Evangelical Library, Colombo, Sri Lanka

National Women's Fellowship inauguration

In a recent update we received some wonderful news and pictures about his church's women's ministry from Pastor Nsibiet in Nigeria. It is so encouraging to hear about this thriving ministry here.

Back in 2009 the pastor and his wife, Comfort, set up a church ministry women’s fellowship, the Gospel Express Evangelical Church (GEEC), and this month saw the inauguration of this ministry into the National Women’s Fellowship.

It was truly a time for celebration, as the women began their day with a gospel outing and evangelism into the nearby villages. This was followed by a church service attended by members of the GEEC, National Women’s Fellowship, invited special guests and well-wishers. 

The inauguration ceremony, together with prayers for the newly installed executives, were carried out by Pastor Nsibiet, while the pastor's wife, Comfort, offered the speech of inauguration acceptance.

Pastor Nsibiet asks for our prayers for the women’s fellowship as they continue to minister to the needs of local people, particularly prison inmates and their families, those living in more rural areas and lepers.


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