Our core activity is to send small packages of typically two to four books to pastors in the world's poorest nations.
In most cases these pastors have no means or opportunity to buy books. Many live in rural areas, where they have to work the land to provide food for their families; there is little external support.
Typically, such congregations meet in school classrooms or use very basic buildings, sometimes still under construction. In such isolated circumstances it is difficult for pastors to remain motivated and to develop in their own faith and, therefore, to give guidance, teaching and direction to their people.
"I greatly cherish the books you have sent. You have enriched us with God's word. You have filled us as a thirsty man is given a cup of cold water..."
Every pastor on our database receives at least one mailing each year.
Going forward, this will include two books selected by us and two more chosen by the pastor from a short-list provided.
In this way we are able to offer a bespoke response to the needs of leaders in different nations with varying local challenges.
Posting books from the UK may, on the face of it, seem to be an expensive way of providing resources.
Our experience shows, however, that it is the best and most reliable means to ensure that the books reach the hands of those who really need them. We do use other means of distribution where possible, such as working with partners or offering teaching materials in digital format.
Sovereign World Trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)
We are a UK registered charity, No 1198177
If you are eligible to order books for your ministry,
we have a separate site.
Email - info@sovereignworldtrust.org.uk
Telephone - +44 (0)7944 589658
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