Get involved

There are many ways to get involved in our work and to make a real difference to the lives of church leaders, pastors and their communities in poor and remote areas across the globe.

Some of our supporters give a regular donation to the work of the Trust, while others are generous with their time or in prayer. No gift or offer of help is too small.

Rolex replica
Donate to Sovereign World Trust


There are many ways in which you can give to our work on a regular or one off basis, with or without Gift Aid.

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Prayer partner


Prayer underpins our ministry and we regularly send out prayer information sheets to our prayer partners.

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Financial partner

Financial partnership

The gift of regular giving is of huge value to the Trust, allowing us to plan projects and guarantee support.

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Volunteer helpers

Volunteer helper

Help with packing sessions or offering more regular support in our office or warehouse really makes a difference to our work.

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Pre-loved book donations

Donate books

Donating your second hand Christian books to us can offer them a new lease of life in the grateful hands of our recipients.

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Take part in an event

Event fundraising

Take part in or host an event to raise funds for our work. You could choose to raise funds for one of our specific projects.

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Join our mailing list

Join our mailing list

By joining our mailing list, you can keep up to date with the progress of our work and see the impact of your support.

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Spread the word

Spread the word

Telling friends, colleagues or church groups about our work and encouraging them to get involved can really make a difference.

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Receive Annual Reports

Annual reports

Our annual report is published at the end of March each year. It is available as a hard copy or as a pdf.

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Sovereign World Trust

Sovereign World Trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)


We are a UK registered charity, No 1198177



If you are eligible to order books for your ministry,
we have a separate site.

Email -

Telephone - +44 (0)7944 589658

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