Where we work

Sovereign World Trust provides Biblical teaching and preaching resources across the globe, but most notably in areas where the need is greatest: Africa, Asia, South America, the Far East, Eastern Europe.

During the last hundred years there has been a seismic shift in Christianity's centre of gravity away from Europe and particularly towards the southern hemisphere. The challenge is that where Christianity is growing fastest, poverty and subsistence living is widespread. In addition, within the southern hemisphere's poorer nations there is a diverse range of cultural differences at a national and local level. There are plenty of challenges here, but there are also clear opportunities. The responsibility to enable people in the world's developing nations to grow in their faith is ours. Ours is the heritage and we have the financial resources to help them. 

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Interactive World Map

The countries highlighted in colour on the map are library or pastor recipients on our database. If you click on a country symbol or the country itself, you will see how many database recipients we have for that location.

Please note: there are some countries e.g. USA or Australia, which are not developing countries but we supply books to individuals or Christian organisations here, and these are active in the third world or in restricted countries.



The multiplicity of cultures and challenges at a national and local level requires a carefully targeted approach here.

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India Bible teaching resources


Demand for Biblical teaching materials is increasing dramatically across Asia, but  holistic needs must be considered.

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South America

South America

With existing connections here, there are opportunities to build upon and grow our work in South America.

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Far East Biblical teaching books

Far East

This region offers plenty of logistical obstacles for the shipping of books. A slightly different approach is required if we are to maximise opportunities.

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Eastern Europe bible learning

Europe & Russia

Diplomacy and a clear understanding of the constraints that face protestant believers in this region are required as we progress our mission here.

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Sovereign World Trust

Sovereign World Trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)


We are a UK registered charity, No 1198177



If you are eligible to order books for your ministry,
we have a separate site.

Email - info@sovereignworldtrust.org.uk

Telephone - +44 (0)7944 589658

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