Sovereign World Trust aims to be as an organisation promoting diversity, equity and inclusion for staff and all stakeholders. Sovereign World Trust exists to serve the poorest individuals in the poorest nations. Our resources are distributed on the basis of need, irrespective of gender, race, sexuality or location. Beneficiaries are either committed Christians, inquirers or sympathetic to the Christian faith.
Our organisation acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard, protect and promote the welfare of staff, volunteers and stakeholders including children and vulnerable adults, and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice which reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice.
Sovereign World Trust does not generally work directly with young people and vulnerable adults. However, we promote a culture amongst our staff and volunteers of caring and supporting each other. Our staff manual gives directions about how complaints and grievances should be handled.
The trust complies with all relevant legislation. Data is stored securely.
Sovereign World Trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)
We are a UK registered charity, No 1198177
If you are eligible to order books for your ministry,
we have a separate site.
Email -
Telephone - +44 (0)7944 589658
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