
Every day many thousands of people across the developing world are growing and deepening in their faith. This could not happen without Biblical teaching and preaching. Here are just a few of the stories of those whose lives have been transformed through the Biblical teaching resources we have been able to supply through your support.

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God's Malawi initiative

A partnership success story in Salima, Malawi.

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Slices of Bread

Digital resources for pcs and mobile phones.

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Peru - jungle resources

Harsh climates and conditions call for a new type of resource.

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The Bible Inside Out

Patrick Whitworth's magnum opus - God's plan for mankind.

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Melanesia college library

Help for a college library with limited resources.

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Far from home

Supporting one pastor in his quest for Biblical learning.

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Sovereign World Trust

Sovereign World Trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)


We are a UK registered charity, No 1198177



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we have a separate site.

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