
Resuming Mailings - Information Needed

A message for all regular recipients who have not yet received books this year

We are delighted to report that our 2021 mailings have now resumed and books are on the way to our first group of pastors. The rest are being prepared and we hope to have all pastors' mailings on their way before Christmas. Unfortunately many of the countries to which we send books are still suspended and we cannot send these off yet. Find out more here...

If you are a current Sovereign World Trust recipient, please could you respond to the following as soon as possible. Thank you to those who have already done so.

We will be making more use of tracked mail in the future. This will help us to know how long books take to reach you and you can be informed when they are ready to collect. Some unclaimed books have been returned to us and we want to avoid this. We need three pieces of information from you:

  1. An up-to-date email address. Please will you confirm your current email address.
  2. A mobile phone number where you can be contacted.
  3. Your confirmation that despite the challenges of Covid, you can receive and collect books.

Please will you email mailings@sovereignworldtrust.org.uk with a copy to info@sovereignworldtrust.org.uk as soon as possible.

If you are new to Sovereign World Trust and don't currently receive books from us, please disregard the message above and proceed using the links below.

Welcome to Sovereign World Trust

This page is for Christian leaders in the developing nations who wish to apply for books from Sovereign World Trust. We would like to help as many people as we can with as many books as possible but we have limited resources so we don't want to encourage unrealistic expectations. Please read this guidance carefully. Our guiding text is "Commit these things to faithful men (and women) who will be able to teach others also." (2 Tim 2:2) If you believe this applies to you, please read on.

We aim to match books with recipients very carefully. Typically, we send books to leaders of churches and small congregations and to those training to be leaders in Bible or Theological Colleges. We also support libraries. We need to be assured that the books are proving to be of real benefit. We also need to be able to assure those who are generous donors to our work that their money is being spent well, not least because there are so many worthy causes and worthwhile ministries that are seeking funding from God's people. 

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Please be aware that we send books. We do not send any other forms of aid, such as colleges fees, money for church roofs or hospital fees. Please seek help elsewhere. Our books are aimed at leadership development, growth in Christian character and motivation, understanding the purposes of God and discipleship. We don't send out Bibles. There are other sources for these.

For first time recipients, we send out typically a couple of books. After that, provided there is positive and appropriate feedback and we feel we have got to know you we can send more.

I am a leader or training to be a leader

I am a pastor
or I am training to be a leader

You can ask us to send you books each year

I am managing or want to help a library

I have or manage a library
or I am helping to run a community library

You can ask us for books to supply your library

I want to access free online resources
in English and local languages

Free preaching & teaching resources to read online or download

I have a special request
for a one-off need or situation

If you have a special request, ask us if we can help

I am a UK resident
planning to visit an overseas church

Ask us if we can give you books to pass on to a local leader

I am a visitor from overseas
or I want to help someone who is

Ask us about books to take back home with you


Sovereign World trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)


We are a UK registered charity, No 327284




Email - mailings@sovereignworldtrust.org.uk

Telephone - +44 (0)7944 589658



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