Our team

Sovereign World Trust is not a large organisation. We have a small core staff who are supported by trustees and dedicated volunteers in a variety of roles. We do not have a large fundraising department.


Chris Moffett


A graduate in medical sciences and theology, Chris pastored a house church for some 16 years and worked as a school teacher. He also played a leading role in the start-up of a residential Special School for vulnerable youngsters where he was the Vice-Principal for Education. Today he combines his role at the Trust with that of pastor at a small Baptist church.

Olga Moffett

Mailings Manager

A law graduate, Olga has supported churches in the Russian speaking world; she has also translated some of Michael Eaton's teaching into Russian. 

Violette Saad

Finance Officer

Violette is an accounting graduate and ACCA qualified. She has worked for the Trust previously and is very happy to return to serve the Lord in this way.

Natalie Holloway

Media & Comms

Natalie has a marketing and copywriting background, and has worked in the charity sector for a number of years. She has also worked for her local church.

Our Trustees

Our talented group of Trustees all share the Trust's vision for supplying good teaching to pastors in the poorest parts of the world. They meet every three months to provide valuable advice to the Director and act as a sounding board for ideas and developments. They provide an annual report to the Charity Commission on the work and progress of the Trust. We are looking to add to our Trustee team.


Tony Miles Prouten

Chair of Trustees

Tony chose to take early-retirement from his role as European Marketing Director for a major manufacturing company. He has served as an Elder and Trustee at Tonbridge Baptist Church.

Paul Caneparo


Paul has worked in the bathroom industry for 30 years and is a seasoned traveller. 

A regular preacher at his local church, Paul has been a Trustee since September 2012

Calvin Eaton

Calvin Eaton


Calvin, son of the late Michael Eaton, now oversees his father's teaching legacy. 

He is currently instrumental in developing new resources in conjunction with Sovereign, World Trust.

Mike Fawcett

Mike Fawcett


Mike spent his career in the City, before redundancy enabled him to take on the role of Coordinator for the friendships which the Diocese of Rochester enjoys with Kondoa and Mpwapwa in Tanzania, Harare (Zimbabwe) and with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Estonia. He is a Trustee of two other local charities.

Our volunteers

We have a dedicated group of volunteers who help us with packing books, general administration and special events. They are a key part of our mission and very much part of the team.

To find out more about volunteering with the Trust please do get in touch.


Sovereign World Trust

Sovereign World Trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)


We are a UK registered charity, No 1198177



If you are eligible to order books for your ministry,
we have a separate site.

Email - info@sovereignworldtrust.org.uk

Telephone - +44 (0)7944 589658

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