Eventful evangelism Malawi

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Evangelical Library, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Overcoming adversity to bring God's Word 

Great to hear from longstanding Trust recipient, Pastor Enock, and to learn about his eventful evangelical outreach in North Malawi. The pastor also includes some vibrant photos from his trip.

The team's outreach was due to take in around 11 remote villages along the Shire River in Malawi and was the last planned mission trip until April 2023. The rains have already begun in some areas of Malawi and Mozambique, and roads to most of the remote areas are increasingly impassable. Conditions are often challenging in the area the team were to visit. 

The work carried out by Pastor Enock and his supporters each year shows how hard so many of our recipient pastors work to bring God’s word to very isolated areas of the world. 

"Praise the Lord! We are back, writes Pastor Enock. "Thank you so much for all your prayers that have made us to visit all 11 villages, May God richly bless you. 

Among 11 villages we visited this time five were new to us and the road was very bad as vehicles don’t go to them - only motor cycles. We were stuck (the rear propeller shaft lost all its nuts and bolts) and we had to remove all things from the vehicle so that we could visit the next village and preach! Villagers helped our team, carrying the equipment to the next village while the vehicle was fixed. 

Kulezi Village was one of the villages being reached for the first time with our Jesus movie. Praise the Lord! God has done wonders in this trip, thank you so much for all your prayers as we have seen 528 people receiving Jesus Christ." 

In a number of the villages visited by Pastor Enock, the inhabitants still believe and practice witchcraft, so it is heartening news to hear of the team's successes. 

"Many Children were also reached on this trip and we were able to bless many of them with books and crayons", explains the pastor. 

Some of those who were reached by the team were so pleased to receive Bibles to replace those which had been washed away during the flash floods they have in their area. Villages were also given hand wash materials and soap.  

Pastor Enock also updated us on some good news from the Maoni Orphanage in Malawi, which has been blessed with donations for school fees and supplies. The pastor asks for our prayers that they will be able to sustain the support for the children and receive funds to pay for the fees and supplies for term two. 



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