We have just published our new style 2023 report. Annual Reports from the Trust give an insight into the progress of our mission and support for each year.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued and faithful support.2. News from just a few of those we support worldwide. Often, updates will give a little snapshot of their lives, the challenges they face, their mission and churches, and how they are using the books and teaching we send with your support.
3. Partnerships - we look at the importance of two of our win-win partnerships in 2023.4. Resources - newly available resources in other languages and online.5. Our financial summary - a look at our 2023 income and expenditure.6. Getting involved.7. Our ‘thank you’ gallery.We very much hope you will enjoy reading all about our progress. As ever, if you have any questions or comments, please do get in touch: info@sovereignworldtrust.org.uk.
Sovereign World Trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)
We are a UK registered charity, No 1198177
If you are eligible to order books for your ministry,
we have a separate site.
Email - info@sovereignworldtrust.org.uk
Telephone - +44 (0)7944 589658
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