Reviews from our pastors

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Evangelical Library, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Encouragement and thanks 

While our team have been working hard to overcome the current complexities and challenges of mailing books to developing countries, encouragement comes regularly in the form of notes of appreciation from our pastor recipients. 

Thank you to these pastors who continue to connect us to their ministries by sending us their updates and photos.  

Here, we bring you just a small selection of the feedback we have received in recent weeks:

“I wish to appreciate the office of Sovereign World Trust for the efforts and sending us the books to the developing nations. Our library is a good resource for our community and the pastor’s fellowship is inspired by the books.” 

Pastor George, Kenya (pictured) 

“Dear in Christ. I am very grateful to you for sending valuable books. I have been blessed and helped for my ministry.” 

Pastor Pankaj, West Bengal, India

“Through reading the books received, first self confidence in preaching and teaching have developed. Also, preparing of different sermons, it’s easy now.” 

Pastor Nixon, Tanzania 

“Breaking the Leadership Bottleneck (by Paul Weaver) has wonderfully turned many pastors and leaders around. Families and marriages are free from father knows it all bondage. 

Forgiveness, God’s Master Key (by Peter Horrobin) has reconciled shattered relationships in a church Sunday school department. Wholeness is restored in families and is still on the move.”

Pastor Ubong, Nigeria 

"Your books are most useful to us. We keep them in our library. Many brothers refer to them and they are also benefitted…We pray for your ministry and all your needs…” 

Pastor Gnana, Tamil Nadu, India 

“I am forever grateful for SWT. The books have been of so much support to me, especially for my Bible study class. I use them all the time!” 

Pastor Evans, Ghana

Huge thanks must go to our supporters who continue to make such good news possible.


Sovereign World Trust

Sovereign World Trust
P.O.Box 777
Kent TN11 0ZS
(NOT for sat navs!)


We are a UK registered charity, No 1198177



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