Sermon & teaching resources

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Evangelical Library, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Themes for all seasons

Our digital teaching letters are sent out regularly to pastors and libraries in the developing world. These resources, from our Director, Chris Moffett, can form a basis for sermons, teaching, small group or personal study, or reflection in a variety of different contexts.

We have been sending these to our recipients since 2020 and there is now quite a collection. If you would like to make use of these resources, you can visit the Digital Teaching section on our resource website. 

Our teaching is currently grouped with the most recent offering first. It contains the following series: 

Christians & the Old Testament Law 

We have just launched our new 3-part series with the first resource. 

As Christians, we believe that God's word, our scriptures, have been given to us in two parts, the Old and New Testaments. We share the Old Testament with the Jews, to whom we owe so very much, which is one reason why Paul encouraged Gentile congregations to help Jewish Christian congregations struggling with famine. However, the application of this spiritual blessing of the Old Testament scripture to our daily lives is not quite as straightforward as we might think. We cannot read the Bible like a recipe book because it was written to people in very different circumstances from ours. So, we need to think carefully about what the Laws of the Old Testament have to say to us today and how we should apply them. 

The Christian's Hope for the Future 

In this, a 12-part sermon series, Chris Moffett looks at our Christian hope for the future, As the series progresses, Chris reflects on the promise of Jesus' return, and the difference this promise should make to our lives today. He examines God's past dealings with mankind as well as looking forward. The Christian faith, which we live out day-by-day in the present, is connected both to what God has done in the past and what He will do in the future. 

John for Today 

In our 3-part sermon series on 1 John, Chris Moffett reflects on this short and sometimes challenging letter. When was the last time you read through 1 John, that short letter tucked away at the end of the New Testament close to the Book of Revelation? Did it help you? Did you find it easy to follow and to get the message? Here, we take a closer look at 1 John. 

Singular Sermons 

In these 11 short sermons (which began during the pandemic), Chris Moffett delves into a wide range of Biblical topics and questions. Themes are diverse and range from leadership challenges to flawed characters in the Bible, from a study on the Parable of the Sower to coping with criticism. Hopefully, studies for all seasons.


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